American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

FIT Grants Available Through Cardiology, Ambulatory Care, Hematology/Oncology, and Critical Care PRNs

The 2011 FIT Program will be held June 11–16, 2011, at the University of Arizona, College of Pharmacy. The call for applicants closes April 1, 2011, and the 2011 mentor team has been assembled. Mentors include Barry Carter, Julie Banderas, Greg Stoddard, John Cleary, Reggie Frye, Gene Morse, Vicki Ellingrod, Mary Ensom, Mary Gerkovich, Gary Yee, Lynda Welage, and Susan Fagan.

The Cardiology, Ambulatory Care, Hematology/Oncology, and Critical Care PRNs are providing partial or full support for one FIT Program attendee. We at the Fit Program wish to thank these PRNs for supporting their members’ professional development.