American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Call for Papers: Contemporary Issues in Anticoagulation

Pharmacotherapy is pleased to announce a call for papers for a themed issue on “Contemporary Issues in Anticoagulation.” Edith Nutescu, Pharm.D., FCCP, will serve as Guest Editor for this issue.

Authors who would like to have papers (Original Research Articles, Brief Reports, Case Reports, Practice Insights) considered for publication as part of this themed issue are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief, Rick Scheife, by e-mail ([email protected]) or telephone (617-636-5390) to determine the appropriateness of their papers for this themed issue. In addition, prospective authors should familiarize themselves with the journal’s Instructions to Authors, available on the Pharmacotherapy Web site. All submissions are subject to Pharmacotherapy’s usual peer review process, and acceptance is not guaranteed.

Deadline for submissions is June 30, 2011.

Please submit your papers by ScholarOne Manuscripts on the Pharmacotherapy Web site (see below). Note in your cover letter that you are submitting your manuscript for consideration in the “Contemporary Issues in Anticoagulation” themed issue.

Submission Tips:

  1. Go to the Pharmacotherapy Web site at
  2. Click on “Submit a Paper” in the “Authors” menu.
  3. If you are a first-time user, click on the “Create Account” button to the left and provide the requested information. You will be able to create a user name and password here.
  4. Insert your user name and password (both are case-sensitive).
  5. If you have difficulty accessing ScholarOne Manuscripts, it may be the result of your firewall or pop-up blocker settings. For help in adjusting your settings, access ScholarOne Manuscripts’ “Instructions & Forms,” “User Tutorials,” or “System Requirements” in the “Resources” sidebar.
  6. More information can be found using the links under Pharmacotherapy’s “Authors” menu at