American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Honor Someone Special: Donate in His/Her Name to the Frontiers Fund

Honor a colleague, family member, or friend while supporting the work of the Research Institute. Make a tribute gift and recognize someone important in your life. The Frontiers Fund is honored to receive gifts in memory or honor of clinical pharmacists, spouses, and friends. A tribute gift recognizes the relationship you have with your Research Institute and the clinical pharmacy community.

Dues Checkoff is the easiest and fastest way to support the Frontiers Fund. To donate, simply add a Frontiers Fund donation to your ACCP Dues Statement or online renewal form. The Frontiers Fund:

  • Supports practice-based research through the ACCP PBRN
  • Develops researchers through the Focused Investigator Training (FIT) Program

You can also visit Your contribution is tax-deductible.