American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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ACCP Report

Seeking to Fill Open Clinical Positions?

If you are seeking candidates for open positions and looking for a cost-effective and competitive edge, ACCP has a solution. We offer a range of inexpensive, easy-to-use, online options designed to reach in-demand, high-quality clinical pharmacy professionals. Visit our ACCP Career Center at

Did you know that the Online Position Listings portal is the second most visited page on our Web site? We want to help you fill your open positions, and we have customized our Web site to suit your needs. ACCP members can take advantage of our very affordable rates: list any clinical position for 60 days for only $175; online fellowship positions can be listed for 60 days for only $75—and when you choose to list with us, you’re reaching highly skilled professionals who regularly search the ACCP Web site for open positions, as well as ACCP’s more than 12,000 members.

For even more visibility, you can feature your listing and have it appear on the online position listings home page and at the top of every search results page. You can also choose to have your listing e-mailed to specific PRN groups. These options are affordable and available in a matter of minutes.

For more information on these and other recruitment opportunities available through ACCP, including the annual fall ACCP Residency and Fellowship Forum, visit us online at