American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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2020 ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge Quarterfinal Teams

Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy

Team Members: Madeline Sheffield (Team Leader), Chance Partlow, and Nathaniel Silar
Alternates: Nicholas Harrison and Emily Marcato
Faculty Advisor: Emily McCoy, Pharm.D., BCACP

Sheffield, Partlow, and Pilar Advance to Semifinal Round

Team members Madeline Sheffield (Team Leader), Chance Partlow, and Nathaniel Silar from Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy will advance to the semifinal round of the 2020 ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge. Four teams will face off in the semifinal round scheduled to take place on October 14. The other teams competing in the semifinal round will represent the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy, and the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy. Two teams from the original field of 109 will go on to compete in the final round on October 16.

Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy Team to Face University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy in Final Round of 2020 ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge

Team members Madeline Sheffield (Team Leader), Chance Partlow, and Nathaniel Silar from Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy will advance to the final round of the 2020 ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge. The team will face Brooke Jacobson (Team Leader), Kathryn Rechenberg, and Jamie Sullivan from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy. The final round is scheduled to take place on October 16.

The ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge is a team-based competition in which teams of three students compete with teams from other schools and colleges of pharmacy in a “quiz bowl” format. Because of the impact of COVID-19 across the nation, all rounds were conducted online this year. Each round consists of questions offered in the three distinct segments indicated below. Item content used in each segment has been developed and reviewed by an expert panel of clinical pharmacy practitioners and educators.

  • Trivia/Lightning
  • Clinical Case
  • Jeopardy-style

Teams in the 2020 competition that advanced to the quarterfinal round will each receive three complimentary student full-meeting registrations for the virtual Annual Meeting to be held in October. Each team member will receive an ACCP gift certificate for $125 and a certificate of recognition. In addition, semifinal teams that did not advance to the final round will receive a semifinal team plaque for display at their institution. The second-place team will receive a $750 cash award ($250 to each member) and a commemorative team plaque. The winning team will receive a $1500 cash award ($500 to each member), and each team member will receive a commemorative plaque. A team trophy will be awarded to the winning institution. For more information on the Challenge and to view a listing of the teams that participated and progressed through each 2020 online round, please visit