American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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College of Pharmacy Liaisons

ACCP College of Pharmacy Faculty Liaisons and College of Pharmacy Student Liaisons are members of ACCP who work actively with each other to educate student pharmacists about the field of clinical pharmacy and provide information about ACCP initiatives and student programs. College of Pharmacy Student Liaisons are selected by the Faculty Liaison at each institution. Any student member of ACCP in good standing is eligible to serve as a student liaison.

If you are interested in serving your institution in this capacity, please contact the Faculty Liaison on your campus. For more information on the on ACCP’s Faculty and Student Liaison program, contact Jon Poynter, Pharm.D., Membership Project Manager at [email protected].

Click here to view a list of all College of Pharmacy Liaisons

Click here for more information about becoming an ACCP College of Pharmacy Liaison