American College of Clinical Pharmacy
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Residents, Fellows, and Graduate Students' Guide to the ACCP PRNs

Adult Medicine


  • Resident involvement in Committees
  • Travel Award
  • The Adult Medicine PRN Journal Club
  • ACCP Poster Review
  • Annual Meeting

To keep up to date on trainee opportunities from the Adult Medicine PRN, become a member or follow us on Twitter (@ACCPAMEDPRN) and Facebook (Adult Medicine PRN)

Total Members: 683
Student Members: 66
Resident Members: 27
Fellow Members: 4

Ambulatory Care

The Ambulatory Care Practice and Research Network (PRN) is one of the largest ACCP PRNs. We serve a variety of different practice types (outpatient hospital, community, research, physician office, VA, etc.) and practice areas (primary care, geriatrics, pediatrics, anticoagulation, lipid management, diabetes management, pain management, etc).

Our PRN has various committees that help to focus our efforts and make the PRN productive. New practitioners interested in becoming more involved in ACCP are encouraged to volunteer for one of the committees. A semi-annual newsletter (typically April/October) is prepared by the communications committee.

One of the best resources within ACCP is our knowledgeable membership. Members can gain access to the brainpower of other members through our PRN mailing list (list-serve). It helps clinicians and researchers answer difficult questions related to patient care, billing, management, literature evaluation and other topics. Pharmacists who are not practicing in Ambulatory Care often join our PRN just for this resource. Joining the Ambulatory Care PRN is a great way to start networking. Many ACCP leaders are members of the PRN and come to the PRN Networking sessions and Education sessions at ACCP meetings.


  • Resident Involvement In Committees
  • Travel Awards
  • The Ambulatory Care Mentoring Program
  • Walk Rounds
  • The Ambulatory Care PRN Journal Club
  • Ambulatory Care PRN Resident Articles For ACCP's Experts in Training
  • Access To Mock Residency Interviews & Inverviews With Residency Program Directors
  • Access To The Ambulatory Care PRN Survival Guide
Total Members: 1458
Student Members: 313
Resident Members: 70
Fellow Members: 3



  • Post-graduate trainees can serve as members on several of Cardiology PRN committees
  • Post-graduate trainees can apply for travel awards to Annual meeting
  • The Cardiology PRN mentoring program is open to all members of the PRN including students, residents, and fellows.
  • Post-graduate trainees can participate and present in monthly online journal clubs, being paired with a mentor to present an article
  • Post-graduate trainees can also present in PRN Grand Rounds/Case conferences
  • Opportunities exist for social media participation, through regular weekly Twitter activities- Teaching Tuesdays, Board Review, CE topics and updates on recent studies
Total Members: 910
Student Members: 142
Resident Members: 34
Fellow Members: 4

Central Nervous System


  • Students, residents, and fellows are encouraged to be members on PRN committees
  • Presentation and participation in journal clubs
  • Contributions to semi-annual newsletter
  • Mentoring program
  • Travel awards
Total Members: 189
Student Members: 44
Resident Members: 5
Fellow Members: 2

Clinical Administration


  • Involvement in the PRN business meeting at the ACCP Annual Meeting.
  • Residents and fellows are allowed and encouraged to sit on the Clinical Administration PRN subcommittees.
  • Student/Resident Liaison
  • Travel award
Total Members: 297
Student Members: 24
Resident Members: 3
Fellow Members: 0


The Community-Based Practice and Research Network provides a forum for meeting the unique needs of ACCP members practicing in community settings. Specifically, this PRN aims to advance community-based pharmacy practice by enhancing collaboration and networking, developing high quality educational programming focused on the needs of community-based pharmacists, and supporting community-focused practice-based research.

PRN Committees (students, residents, and fellows welcome)

  • Awards Committee: Responsible for soliciting nominations for and selected recipients of PRN awards to recognize members
  • Communications Committee: Responsible for development and distribution of quarterly PRN newsletter and other communications such as PRN opinion papers
  • Nominations Committee: Responsible for developing final candidate slate for PRN officer position(s) and soliciting nominations for ACCP elected positions, awards, and honors
  • Programming Committee: Responsible for planning and coordinating year-round programming and the PRN focus session at Global Conference/ Annual Meeting to meets PRN members’ needs and interests
Total Members: 118
Student Members: 30
Resident Members: 2
Fellow Members: 5

Critical Care

The Critical Care PRN, founded in 1992, optimizes pharmacotherapy outcomes through promotion of excellence and innovation in clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education. To achieve this, the PRN provides members with timely educational updates, opportunities to participate in multicenter research, and a forum for information sharing among a network of around 2000 critical care pharmacists and trainees nationally.

Opportunities and Resources for Trainee Members

Students are invited to expand their professional connections via the PRN networking forums at the ACCP Annual and Spring Meetings.

The ACCP Critical Care PRN welcomes all student, resident, and fellow (SRF) members and encourages activity and engagement in each of its committees: Communications, Membership, Programming, Recognition, Research, Social Media, Trainee Engagement, and Travel Awards. Each committee is led by a Chair and Chair-Elect and consists of a mixture of SRF members and clinical pharmacists who collaborate throughout the year on various committee charges. One additional opportunity for involvement is serving as the SRF Representative. Each year, one SRF member is selected to serve on the Critical Care PRN Steering Committee as a liaison and advocate for other SRF members. Applications for this position typically open in September, so be on the lookout!

The Trainee Engagement Committee provides support in recruiting and maintaining SRF members. Each year, PGY2 Critical Care and PGY2 Emergency Medicine residency program directors are provided information on free Critical Care PRN membership that can be distributed to PGY2 residents. This committee also coordinates an annual feedback survey specifically for SRF members to better optimize involvement opportunities, initiatives, and resources throughout the Critical Care PRN. Some initiatives include the SRF Member Quarterly Spotlight where we highlight outstanding achievements of a selected SRF member, the Poster Preview Session where SRF members can practice their poster presentations and receive feedback prior to the ACCP Annual Meeting, and Twitter Journal Clubs which are developed and facilitated by SRF members along with a mentor. The PRN provides an annual “Keeping Up with the Literature” document aimed at providing strategies and resources for staying current with medical literature and guidelines. To help identify critical care and pharmacy-related conferences for presenting trainee research project work, the PRN compiles a Conferences and Abstracts Guide with important dates and deadlines so SRF members can plan accordingly.

The Critical Care PRN values SRF member engagement within the profession and provides financial support to do so. The PGY2 Critical Care Resident Research grant offers financial support for residents conducting innovative critical care pharmacy research. Additionally, two Critical Care PRN Student Travel Awards and two Critical Care PRN Resident/Fellow Travel Awards are available each year to offset costs for attending and presenting research at the ACCP Annual Meeting. The PRN is active on social media (Twitter: @accpcritprn; Facebook) and encourages SRF members to engage and network through these platforms!

Total Members: 1464
Student Members: 166
Resident Members: 101
Fellow Members: 3

Drug Information


  • Involvement in the PRN business meeting at the ACCP Annual Meeting.
  • Drug Information Travel Stipend
Total Members: 208
Student Members: 46
Resident Members: 2
Fellow Members: 2

Education and Training


  • Residents and fellows are allowed to sit on the Education and Training PRN committees.
  • Participation in the Mock-Interviewing Session during the PRN business meeting at the ACCP Annual Meeting
  • Resident members presenting posters at the ACCP Annual Meeting will be visited by EDTR members to discuss their research findings and provide support for scholarly pursuit.
  • Travel Awards
Total Members: 538
Student Members: 26
Resident Members: 5
Fellow Members: 2

Emergency Medicine

Join us for weekly discussion on emergency medicine and critical care topics on the ACCP EM PRN Podcast and Youtube page.


  • Residents and fellows are allowed to sit on the Emergency Medicine PRN subcommittees.
  • Travel Awards
Total Members: 876
Student Members: 199
Resident Members: 65
Fellow Members: 1

Endocrine and Metabolism


  • Residents and fellows are allowed to sit on the Endocrine and Metabolism PRN subcommittees.
  • Travel Awards
Total Members: 276
Student Members: 27
Resident Members: 7
Fellow Members: 1



  • Travel Awards
Total Members: 215
Student Members: 40
Resident Members: 2
Fellow Members: 2


Established in 2000, the GI/Liver/Nutrition (GILN) PRN consists of clinical pharmacists, trainees, and researchers interested in promoting and advancing practice, research, and education in the areas of gastrointestinal (GI) disease, liver disease, and nutrition.

The GILN PRN offers many opportunities for residents, fellows, and students, including travel awards for the ACCP Annual Meeting, networking with experienced practitioners, and involvement in PRN leadership. Potential opportunities include journal clubs, clinical pearls, and development of the student/resident outreach committee.

Please contact us if you have questions about GILN or our PRN!

PRN Committees

  • Students/residents are encouraged to participate and take advantage of PRN opportunities, such as social media outreach or advocacy participation.
Total Members: 127
Student Members: 12
Resident Members: 3
Fellow Members: 1

Global Health

Established in 2015, the Global Health PRN strives to spread the idea of improving health and achieving health equity worldwide, whether that’s international or locally. Our goal is to make sure every pharmacist and trainee feels like they can make a difference for all wherever they are in the world! We envision a healthcare landscape in which thoughtful, context-inclusive, culturally competent, and resource-efficient care for transnational health issues is provided through interprofessional and interinstitutional partnerships across borders. All students, residents, and fellows are encouraged to follow the PRN on social media on X formerly “Twitter” @ACCPGlobal, and further connect on ACCP Communities after joining.


  • Check out our Directory for Post-Graduate Training Opportunities in Global Health. This directory is updated annually by the Global Health PRN and includes PGY1 residencies, PGY2 residencies, and fellowship programs offering global health opportunities
  • Check out our Global Health Resource Directory made up of PRN pharmacists members who have identified themselves as willing and open to speaking with trainees who are interested, considering, and/or deciding to pursue a career in or related to Global Health
  • Join a PRN committee: Member Engagement (with a focus on trainees), Nominations, Programming, and Scholarship
Total Members: 104
Student Members: 17
Resident Members: 1
Fellow Members: 3

Health Equity

The Health Equity PRN is composed of clinical pharmacists, postgraduate trainees, and students with an interest in promoting health equity across all practice settings. The Health Equity PRN facilitates educational programming, networking, leadership opportunities, and collaborative research opportunities for individuals interested in reducing health disparities. The Health Equity PRN has standing committees in which all trainees are welcome to volunteer to serve. In addition, the Health Equity PRN has a Trainee Committee dedicated to the following goals:

  • Encourage fellows, residents, and students to serve and participate in Health Equity PRN initiatives
  • Plan networking activities focused on advancement of trainees in the profession
  • Coordinate mentor-mentee placement in a structured mentorship program

To keep up to date on trainee opportunities from the Health Equity PRN, join our PRN and/or follow us on Twitter (@accphleqprn).

Total Members: 135
Student Members: 10
Resident Members: 1
Fellow Members: 4

Health Outcomes

The Health Outcomes Practice and Research Network (PRN) is a group of members from multiple diverse practice settings, including clinical practice, academia, pharmaceutical industry, and consulting and with a diversity of clinical interests. Our members are dedicated to evaluating health practices, services and interventions with an effort to improve patient, community and population health. Our PRN aims to foster the development of our members by promoting excellence in education, research, clinical practice, and policy analysis.

The Health Outcomes PRN strongly welcomes resident, fellow, and graduate student participation. Whether you are looking to pursue a career in health outcomes research or are looking to develop your research skills, the Health Outcomes PRN offers multiple opportunities for leadership, growth, and development throughout the year. Residents and fellows are welcome to join the PRN committees including Planning Committee and Travel Awards Committee and are encouraged to present their ongoing research for feedback from established health outcomes researchers. As members, residents and fellows have access to the email list service where you can send an email to all Health Outcomes PRN members, opportunities to collaborate and learn from other PRN members, participate in programming at the annual meeting including the business meeting, and apply for travel awards to support travel to the annual meeting. Joining the Health Outcomes PRN offers a great way to develop relationships to further enhance collaboration, education, research, and clinical practice.


Residents and fellows are encouraged to be involved in the PRN events throughout the year, our annual business meeting and to join PRN committees. We also offer annual travel awards to support travel to the ACCP Annual Meeting.

  • Planning Committee: This committee plans all Health Outcomes PRN events including quarterly research in progress and research methods webinars, our annual business meeting, and our networking event at the ACCP Annual Meeting.
  • Awards Committee: This committee evaluates applications for student, resident, and fellow travel awards. They are also responsible for reviewing papers published by our members and choosing a paper of the year.

If you have a question regarding health outcomes or a question about our PRN, please contact us.

Total Members: 130
Student Members: 12
Resident Members: 2
Fellow Members: 4



  • Residents and fellows are encouraged to participate and take advantage of PRN opportunities through the regular formation of committees that assist officers in fulfilling annual goals and objectives.
  • Travel Awards
Total Members: 512
Student Members: 156
Resident Members: 29
Fellow Members: 6


The HIV PRN offers members the opportunity to collaborate and discuss the management of the HIV patient through transitions of care in both the inpatient and ambulatory care settings. This PRN provides a forum for clinical pharmacists to optimize the care they deliver to their HIV-infected patients by sharing evidence based recommendations and professional experiences. The HIV PRN fosters the promotion of education for its members and the patients they care for as well as research collaboration. The HIV PRN's objectives are to: 1) provide a network for communication for its members; 2) deliver educational programming and networking events at national meetings; 3) provide members access to other clinical specialists to assist in optimizing HIV care; and 4) promote opportunities for collaboration in educational and research activities.

PRN Committees (postgraduate trainees welcome)

  • Research Committee: responsible for stimulating new research ideas that would impact the HIV PRN membership practice and to facilitate collaboration.
  • Education and Programming Committee: responsible for developing the PRN focus session at the ACCP Annual Meeting and promote other educational activities to other specialists.
  • Nominations and Awards Committee: responsible for nominating HIV PRN members for national ACCP awards and developing criteria for HIV PRN awards for trainees.
  • Newsletter and Social Media Committee: responsible for developing a biannual HIV PRN newsletters and updating all HIV PRN social media accounts.
  • Advocacy Committee: responsible for education and promoting legislative and regulatory matters related to HIV and its complications.


  • Students, residents, and fellows are encouraged to be involved subcommittees as well as the HIV PRN annual business meeting.
Total Members: 179
Student Members: 24
Resident Members: 7
Fellow Members: 2


  • The Immunology/Transplantation PRN aims to promote quality research, clinical practice, innovation, and education in the areas of immunology and solid organ transplantation. The PRN represents a diverse group of professionals who share the common goal of improving patient outcomes as a result of the efforts in their field. The PRN is dedicated to achieving this goal by promoting information exchange in a cooperative, supportive atmosphere.
  • Activities designed to accomplish this include PRN Focus Sessions held at the Annual Meeting as well as monthly webinars organized and executed by our Programming Committee. Our List-serve is used extensively for the sharing of ideas and protocols among practicing immunology and solid organ transplant professionals and allows students, residents, and fellows to extend their perspective beyond just their specific institutional practice. We also have an active Facebook page for members to discuss new manuscripts and to keep the membership “in the know” about social events.
  • The Immunology/Transplantation PRN seeks to be the voice of the immunology and transplant pharmacy community, with scholarly efforts focused on production of opinion pieces and systematic reviews pertinent to the field.


Total Members: 441
Student Members: 52
Resident Members: 26
Fellow Members: 1

Infectious Diseases


  • The Infectious Diseases PRN has an opportunity for a resident member to participate on the board of officers. The term will be August through June each year.
  • Residents and fellows are encouraged to sit on the Infectious Diseases PRN subcommittees
  • Travel Awards
  • The Infectious Diseases PRN also has a committee composed of residents, fellows, and students to focus on its needs.
Total Members: 1240
Student Members: 179
Resident Members: 47
Fellow Members: 14



  • Residents, graduate students, and fellows are encouraged to sit on the Nephrology PRN subcommittees.
  • Travel Awards
Total Members: 143
Student Members: 10
Resident Members: 2
Fellow Members: 0

Pain and Palliative Care


  • Residents and fellows are allowed to sit on the PRN subcommittees, including Programming and Membership committees.
  • Travel Awards
Total Members: 179
Student Members: 28
Resident Members: 1
Fellow Members: 2



  • Residents and fellows are encouraged to sit on the following Pediatrics PRN subcommittees; travel award, nominations, education, professional advancement, research, social media, and student subcommittee.
  • Travel Awards
Total Members: 623
Student Members: 165
Resident Members: 18
Fellow Members: 3

Perioperative Care


  • Committees
  • Travel Awards
Total Members: 113
Student Members: 5
Resident Members: 0
Fellow Members: 0

Pharmaceutical Industry


  • Residents, fellows, and students are encouraged to sit on the Pharmaceutical Industry PRN subcommittees.
  • Residents and fellows are also encouraged to attend PRN educational sessions and actively participate in PRN meetings.
  • The Pharmaceutical Industry PRN helps fund one resident and one fellow ACCP travel award. Two $500 awards are given to residents or fellows who have a poster accepted to the ACCP Annual Meeting. The award recipients must present their original research at the Pharmaceutical Industry PRN business meeting.
Total Members: 204
Student Members: 85
Resident Members: 1
Fellow Members: 3



  • Residents, fellows, and graduate students are encouraged to participate on PK/PD/PG PRN committees, including the Programming Committee and the Outreach Committee. For more information, please contact the PK/PD/PG PRN Chair.
  • The M. Kelli Jordan Travel Award is a $1000 award to provide an opportunity for a trainee (student, resident, or fellow) to present and promote his/her research efforts to the PK/PD/PG PRN. This award will support the awardee's registration and travel expenses for the ACCP Annual Meeting.
Total Members: 274
Student Members: 43
Resident Members: 4
Fellow Members: 17



  • The Pulmonary PRN will welcome resident and fellow members in a variety of capacities for mentorship and professional advancement, including through our existing committee structure. Our committees include:
    • Communications Committee
    • Education and Programming Committee
    • Nominations and Awards Committee
    • Research Committee
  • Future travel grants, seed awards, FIT and MeRIT scholarships
  • Mentorship programming
Total Members: 95
Student Members: 13
Resident Members: 2
Fellow Members: 1

Women's Health


  • Residents and fellows are encouraged to participate in the Women’s Health PRN committees (e.g., advocacy and scholarship, communications, programming).
  • Travel Awards
  • The Women’s Health PRN also has a committee composed of residents, fellows, and students to focus on their needs.
Total Members: 223
Student Members: 67
Resident Members: 3
Fellow Members: 3